Thursday, May 2, 2013

Burong Island

Pulau Burong (Bird Island), located in the northern coast of Belitung off the fishing village of Tanjung Binga. The island approximately 2 acres, surrounded by white sand and granite rocks that are scattered on the beach and the sea around the island. An island that is worthy to be a lingering quietly enjoy the atmosphere of the beach away from the noise. 

A unique Bird Island is a large granite rock piles on the beach side of the Southeast in the shape resemble unique bird's head. According to native, the name of the island taken from the stone Burong. Burong is Belitung for birds. Stone shaped burong became one of icon  granite in Belitung. Stone size approximately equivalent to accounts 3 floors with unique formations. It looks like it was torn and there are some that look tilted probably due to abrasion. If you do not skip to Belitung Bird Island for photo background stone Burong almost every visitor to take a picture with the background of this unique stone Burong. The beaches around the white sandy stone. 

At a time when the water was low tide you can walk to the rock Burong. Please be careful because there are a lot of stones around the coral reefs and sharp side down overgrown rock barnacle shells are also sharp. The waters around this stone Burong there are many sea urchins. Meanwhile in the South of the island consists of the clear waters of the sea with fine white sand seabed is shallow. Hardly found any corals or sea animals are sharp in these waters, you can be free to play in the clear by digitally basic fine white sand.

On the island there are several bird bungalows under the Palm trees which you can use to rest. For those of you who are adventurous, walk around the island looking for sights and unique form of granite boulders scattered around the island will make a memorable experience to spend time on the island it Burong. If you want to do snorkeling activity, location quite good for snorkeling is around granite-shaped bird's head. Even if the water was receding you can find Nemo fish only a few meters from the beach with a water depth of only as adult thigh.

The best time for bird watching is at the late afternoon, especially if you want to take a nice photo on the back of the bird's head stone. In the afternoon the Sun will fall in front of you with the birds in the background. A trip to the island of Burong takes 30 minutes from Tanjung Siambul or 15 minutes away from the fishing village of Tanjung Binga. A trip to the island of Burong is typically done in one trip with a trip to the island of Galangal.

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